Want to have more fun surfing and catch more waves on your trip to the ocean?
Start preparing now! Anytime, anywhere. On your own or with a coach.
Basic course
Includes 5 elements of beginner and continuing level training:
Suitable for those who have never tried surfing or have surfed a few times and want to improve skills, increase fitness levels and have a better understanding of ocean and wave theory.
Personalized technique video demo
Practicing on your own?
Record videos of your surf sessions and send them to us to make your surfing even cooler.
  • You can start the course at any time
  • Record 12 lessons for self-study
  • Access to the training group on Telegram
In a group with a trainer
  • Course starts on fixed dates
  • Duration - 4 weeks
  • Recording of all lessons of the course after the end of the course
  • All lessons take place online with the trainer 3 times a week in 60 minute zooms
  • All zoom recordings are saved and remain available for one month after course completion
  • Access to the training group on Telegram
  • Start of the course on the dates agreed with the trainer
  • Recording of all lessons after the course is over
  • Online one-on-one sessions with the trainer 2 or 3 times a week for 60 minutes.
  • You have 2 months to complete the course
  • Individual review of the technique of movement execution, selection of exercises according to the level of training
  • Access to the training group on Telegram
1 session
You upload a surf video (maximum 6 video files) to a remote disk. Choose the most successful, in your opinion, passes.
The coach will make a video analysis and in turn will post on the remote disk a record of the analysis.

The period of time during which the coach will make a video analysis is negotiated individually.
5 sessions
The package is valid for one month. This is the best choice if you live or are close to the ocean and want to spend time working on your surfing technique.

The coach will guide you by analyzing your surf technique from your videos for five sessions.

You will evaluate the results before and after!
*By purchasing the package, you get one video consultation with a trainer in zoom. Consultation time is 40 minutes
Physical element
  • endurance
  • strength
  • flexibility
  • mobility
  • balance
Psychological element
  • Surfing fears
  • unreasonable expectations
  • right attitude
  • cognitive ability
Technical element
  • Biomechanics and motor skills
  • Ocean positioning
  • Wave orientation and selection
  • appropriate equipment
Cultural element
  • history and philosophy
  • safety
  • etiquette
  • ocean behavior
Water element
  • water movement in the ocean
  • wave formation
  • Types and features of surf spots
  • reading and analyzing wave forecasts